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  • The Ultimate Guide to American Idioms: An Encyclopedia of American Idioms, Phrases, Sayings & Expressions
$49.00 $70.00

Product Detail: Do you find acquiring new expressions “like trying to move mountains”?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to effortlessly uncover fresh American idioms and phrases that make communication “as easy as pie”?

Indeed, you can master English through language courses and textbooks, gradually advancing your language skills. Yet, are you truly poised to converse like a native?

The reality is that many idiomatic expressions, commonly used by fluent English speakers, can’t be neatly encapsulated within textbooks. It can be disheartening to realize that formal learning might not fully equip you to engage in authentic conversations.

Sometimes, the key lies in having the right resources at your disposal, and here’s where The Ultimate Guide to American Idioms comes into play!

Crafted as a potent supplement to your existing English-learning tools, this guide enables you to:

  • Unearth over 1300 diverse idiomatic phrases, covering a myriad of topics and themes.
  • Grasp the precise definitions and appropriate application of each idiom, guaranteeing you wield them adeptly during dialogues.
  • Immerse yourself in real-life conversational instances, effectively contextualizing each expression.
  • Capitalize on valuable insights provided within the book’s introduction and conclusion, elevating your understanding of the English language.

Why hesitate? A treasure trove of over 1300 idioms and expressions eagerly awaits you! Don’t miss the opportunity to uncover why this “unexpected champion” will illuminate your language skills and help you “grasp the full scope” of conversational English!



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